Shepherd of the Hills offers a wide variety of opportunities for spiritual growth that serves adults, college students, teens, and children.
Choir Director Needed: Our church is looking for a volunteer to serve as the director of the Adult Church Choir for this fall. If you are interested in serving in this role or have any questions, please speak with Pastor Denney for more information.
Campus Ministry Meals: If you are interested and would like to prepare a meal or buy a meal for the students, please sign up here. Campus Ministry is an excellent opportunity to support and encourage students in their faith while they are away from home and we appreciate all your help! If you have any questions or would like more information, please speak with Peter Moeri or Pastor Denney.
Church Picnic: The annual church picnic is scheduled for Sunday, September 8th after Sunday School & Bible Study. The church will provide the main course of burgers and hotdogs, and members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share. We are also seeking volunteers to help make this event go smoothly. Please refer to the sign up to see where you can serve. We look forward to this wonderful time of fellowship! For additional information, please speak to Peter Moeri..
Sunday School and Youth Group: Classes for fall begin September 8, 2024 following worship.
Youth Confirmation Class: Youth Confirmation Classes will resume on Sunday, September 15th. This class is for students in 6th-8th grade and we will meet in the fellowship hall after Bible Study and Sunday School. In Youth Confirmation, students learn the main teachings of the Bible and Luther’s Catechism to prepare them for making their public confession of faith and receiving the Lord’s Supper. If you have any questions, please speak with Pastor Denney.​
Women’s Book Group: Calling all Moms! We would love for you to join us in reading “M is for Mama” by Abbie Halberstadt.
The author offers advice, encouragement, and scripturally sound strategies - seasoned with humor and grace - to help you embrace the challenges and see the rewards of Christlike motherhood. Learn more and order your book here:
We will start the book on Monday Sept 9 and read one chapter per week until early January.
We will join to share dinner and discussion on: Sunday, October 27th at 6 PM (Chapters 1-6)
Thursday, December 5th at 6 PM (Chapters 7-12)
Thursday, January 9th at 6 PM (Chapters 13-17)
Please join us as we learn and connect with other mothers in our church family. Please contact Kely Dunsmoor if you would like to participate.​
Midweek Bible Study: On September 11th, we will be resuming Wednesday evening Bible Studies at 6:30 pm. This fall we will be studying selected Psalms under the theme: "Pray, Praise, and Give Thanks". In this study, we will focus on nine popular psalms and discover how their message relates to our faith and present-day lives.
Midweek Worship: Starting on Wednesday, September 11th, Midweek worship start time will move to 7:30 pm.
Family Hikes
Mark your calendars for the upcoming family-friendly hikes. We hope you can join us as we explore God’s beautiful creation and enjoy fellowship! Please speak with Kiersten Nash with any questions. Sunday, September 22, at 3 pm at the Kingsbury Creek trail. Park in the Lake Superior Zoo parking lot near the playground. This hike will take us through a wooded dirt and rocky trail with pretty views of Kingsbury Creek.
UMD Football game
Join us for a fellowship event on Saturday, September 28th for UMD football game! Tickets are $5 per person for general admission. Game time is 12 pm, and there will be tailgating before the game! Please sign up by September 18 on the bulletin board outside Pastor's office to secure your tickets!
Women’s Facebook Group: If you haven’t already, join the DuLutheran- Ladies Fellowship Group on FB. You can easily connect with other ladies at SOTH. There are opportunities for fellowship including hikes, berry picking, retreats, book group, event reminders and more.
Altar Flowers: Fresh flowers have been added to the altar area to give God glory and beautify the sanctuary over the past few months. Thank you to everyone who has signed up so far. The chart on the bulletin board by the offices has been updated, and members are encouraged to sign up for a Sunday. Our flower volunteer, Renee Graen, will purchase and place the flowers on the altar. Please indicate if the flowers are in memory of someone or a special occasion. Please donate and contact Renee Graen at 763-607-4498 if you have any questions.
Prayer Chain: If you have a prayer request or would like to be a part of the SOTH Prayer Chain, please speak with Pastor Denney. You can help brothers and sisters at church by praying for them in difficult times or offering prayers of thanksgiving. Prayer requests can be submitted in person, through text, by phone at 517-392-8494, or by email at You can also submit requests through our website here.